Thursday, November 02, 2006


A breakdown of my mp3 player.

To break down my music collection into genres, I referred to my mp3 player, a Creative Zen Touch, because it is my main, if not only, source of music.
My creative currently has 1,178 tracks on it. I've broken the songs down into genres and approximate percentages of total tracks, and for the sake of brevity, combined similar genres.

Acoustic 32 tracks -- 2%
Alternative Rock/Indie Rock 102 tracks -- 8%
Classical 60 tracks -- 5%
Electronic/Electronica&dance 24 tracks -- 2%
General Pop 17 tracks -- 1%
General Rock 857 tracks -- 74%
Soundtrack 39 tracks -- 4%
World 11 tracks -- 1%
Other [comedy, etc.] 36 tracks -- 3%

I've also broken down the albums that I have, and assessed a very approximate cost of my music collection. I don't remember the cost of every cd I've purchased, so I'm going to say here that they all cost $15, as an average. This should account for the about $20 ones from stores, and the around $5-7 ones that I bought used.

Bought (approx. $15)
32 albums
Downloaded/Borrowed (no cost)
19 albums
Gifts (no cost)
23 albums

Out of the approximately 74 albums I have, 32 were bought, which total cost about $480.

A monetary breakdown of the albums that I purchased:
Recording label - $129.60
Promotion and Advertising - $57.60
Design and Packaging - $57.60
Recording and Studio Costs - $57.60
Misc. shipping, musicians fees - $57.60
Artist's royalties - $28.80
Distibuters and Retail profits - $115.20


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